How to Move a Car With Seized Brakes

How to Move a Car With Seized Brakes
How to Move a Car With Seized Brakes

Have you ever found yourself dealing with a car that has seized brakes? It can be a frustrating and even dangerous situation, but fear not! In this article, we will discuss a few methods to help you move a car with seized brakes safely.

Method 1: Rocking the Vehicle

To release the seized brakes, start by turning on your vehicle and drive forward and reverse in succession. Initially, it may feel like the brakes are on and the car won’t budge, but persist with the motion. This rocking motion can help release the brakes and allow you to move the car. Be patient and keep trying until the brakes are no longer seized.

Method 2: Using Lubricant

If the rocking motion doesn’t work, you can try using a lubricant to temporarily unstick the brakes. Pull over to the side of the road if it’s safe to do so and apply a small amount of lubricant to the caliper or drum brakes. This can help loosen the seized brake and allow you to move the car for a temporary period. However, it’s important to note that this is not a permanent solution and the brakes should be properly inspected and repaired by a professional.

How to Move a Car With Seized Brakes


How to Move a Car With Seized Brakes


Method 3: Manually Releasing the Brakes

If the previous methods haven’t worked, and you are comfortable working under your vehicle, you can try manually releasing the brakes. Get under the car and locate the brake cables or the caliper depending on your vehicle’s brake system. Gently pull or manipulate these components to release the brakes. Again, this method should be approached with caution and if you are unsure, it’s best to seek the help of a professional.

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Method 4: Professional Assistance

If all else fails or you’re not comfortable attempting any of the above methods, it’s best to seek the assistance of a professional mechanic. They have the expertise and tools necessary to diagnose the issue and safely release the seized brakes. Trying to move a vehicle with seized brakes can be dangerous, so it’s always wise to consult a professional to avoid any accidents or further damage.

Important Safety Tips:

  • Always ensure your vehicle is parked in a safe and stable location before attempting any methods to move a car with seized brakes.
  • If possible, work with a helper to guide you through the process and ensure maximum safety.
  • If you’re uncertain about any step or method, it’s best to seek professional assistance.
  • Keep in mind that these methods are temporary solutions and proper brake inspection and repair should be done as soon as possible.

Moving a car with seized brakes can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and precautions, you can safely handle the situation. Always prioritize your safety and the safety of others on the road. Remember, when in doubt, consult a professional mechanic.


  1. Seized Brakes: Causes, prevention & what to do – Stratford Tyres
  2. What to do When Your Parking Brake is Stuck – Joe’s Tires
  3. How to Repair Sticking Brake Calipers – eBay
  4. How to unseize a brake caliper | Haynes Publishing

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Move A Car With Seized Brakes

How Do You Move A Car With Stuck Brakes?

To move a car with stuck brakes, turn on the vehicle and drive forward and reverse in succession. Even if the brakes feel like they are on and the car won’t budge, persist with the motion to release the brakes.

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Alternatively, you can try rocking the car back and forth or manually releasing the brake cables.

How Do You Release A Locked Car Brake?

To release a locked car brake, safely turn on the vehicle and drive forward and reverse in succession. Despite feeling like the brakes are on and not moving, persist with the motion, and this should release the brakes. Alternatively, you can try rocking the vehicle back and forth or manually pulling the cables.

How Do You Free A Seized Brake Caliper?

To free a seized brake caliper, try pumping the brake pedal repeatedly or applying a small amount of lubricant to the caliper. If that doesn’t work, you may need to lift the wheels off the ground using a jack and manually release the brakes.

Be cautious while doing so.

Can You Drive A Car With Seized Brakes?

Yes, you can drive a car with seized brakes, but it is not safe and can lead to further damage to the vehicle.

How Do You Move A Car With Stuck Brakes?

To safely move a car with stuck brakes, try driving forward and reverse in succession. Persistence in motion may release the brakes.

How Do You Release A Locked Car Brake?

To release a locked car brake, try rocking the vehicle back and forth or manually pulling the cables. Setting and releasing the brake multiple times can also help.
