How to Make Car Window Washer Fluid

How to Make Car Window Washer Fluid
How to Make Car Window Washer Fluid

Keeping your car’s windows clean is essential for visibility and safety. Commercial windshield washer fluids can be expensive and filled with chemicals. Why not try making your own car window washer fluid at home? It’s easy, cost-effective, and you know exactly what ingredients are being used. In this article, we will guide you on how to make car window washer fluid with simple household items.


Here are the ingredients you will need to make car window washer fluid:

  • 1 gallon of distilled water
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap


Follow these steps to make your own car window washer fluid:

  1. Fill a container with 1 gallon of distilled water.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap to the water.
  3. Stir the mixture gently to combine the soap and water.
  4. Your homemade car window washer fluid is ready to use!

It’s important to note that you should err on the side of using too little dish soap rather than too much. Adding too much dish soap can make the solution too thick and lead to streaking on your car windows. If you find that your solution streaks, you can experiment with changing the brand of dish soap.

How to Make Car Window Washer Fluid


Additions for Freezing Weather

If you live in an area with freezing temperatures, you can modify the recipe slightly to prevent the fluid from freezing. Add a cup of rubbing alcohol to the mixture for every gallon of water. The alcohol lowers the freezing point of the solution, keeping it fluid even in cold weather.

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Benefits of Homemade Car Window Washer Fluid

Making your own car window washer fluid has several benefits:

  • Cost-effective: Commercial windshield washer fluids can be expensive, especially when purchased frequently. Making your own allows you to save money in the long run.
  • Control over ingredients: By making your own fluid, you have full control over the ingredients used. This ensures that you are not exposing yourself or the environment to harmful chemicals found in some commercial products.
  • Ease of preparation: It takes just a few minutes to make your own car window washer fluid, and the ingredients are readily available in most households.

Safety Precautions

While making your own car window washer fluid is safe, it’s important to take some precautions:

  • Label the container: Clearly label the container with the contents so that it is not mistaken for another liquid.
  • Keep out of reach of children: Place the container in a safe place where children cannot access it. Homemade fluid may look similar to other liquids, so it’s essential to prevent accidental ingestion.
  • Dispose of properly: When disposing of the fluid, follow local regulations and guidelines to ensure proper disposal.
How to Make Car Window Washer Fluid


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Make Car Window Washer Fluid

What Can I Use Instead Of Window Washer Fluid?

You can use a homemade alternative to window washer fluid by mixing a gallon of water with a cup of vodka or isopropyl alcohol. To this mixture, add a teaspoon of Castile soap or mild dish liquid soap and shake well.

If the weather is freezing, consider adding another cup of alcohol.

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How Do You Make Homemade Car Window Washing Solution?

Mix one tablespoon of liquid dish soap with one gallon of distilled water to make homemade car window washing solution. It’s better to use less dish soap and add more if needed. Avoid adding too much dish soap as it can make the solution too thick.

Experiment with different brands of dish soap to prevent streaking.

What Are The Ingredients In Windshield Washer Fluid?

Windshield washer fluid typically consists of methanol, a poisonous alcohol, along with small amounts of other toxic alcohols like ethylene glycol. This brightly-colored liquid is used to clean windshields and should be kept out of the reach of young children to prevent accidental poisoning.

Can I Put Rubbing Alcohol In My Windshield Washer Fluid?

No, it is not advisable to put rubbing alcohol in your windshield washer fluid. It is better to use a proper windshield washer fluid that is designed specifically for cleaning windshields.

Can I Use Something Else Instead Of Window Washer Fluid?

Yes, you can create a homemade solution using a mixture of water, vodka or isopropyl alcohol, and a teaspoon of Castile soap or mild dish liquid soap. Adjust the alcohol content for freezing weather conditions.

How Can I Make My Own Car Window Washing Solution?

Simply add one tablespoon of liquid dish soap to a gallon of distilled water. Adjust the quantity of dish soap as needed to avoid streaking. Feel free to experiment with different brands of dish soap until you find one that works best for your solution.


Now that you know how to make car window washer fluid at home, you can save money and have full control over the ingredients used. It’s simple, cost-effective, and ensures that you are not using harmful chemicals. Follow the instructions and enjoy clean and streak-free car windows!

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