How to Leave Radio on in Keyless Car

How to Leave Radio on in Keyless Car
How to Leave Radio on in Keyless Car

Are you tired of your radio turning off as soon as you turn off your keyless car? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people face this issue and want to find a way to keep their radio on even when the car is off. In this article, we will explore different methods to leave the radio on in a keyless car.

Method 1: Accessory Mode

The first method is to utilize the accessory mode of your keyless car. This mode allows you to keep the electrical components of your car running without starting the engine. To access the accessory mode:

  1. After shutting off the engine, keep your foot off the brake pedal.
  2. Press the start button twice without pressing down on the brake pedal.

By following these steps, you can keep your radio, lights, windows, and other electric components running even when the car is off. However, keep in mind that leaving the radio on for too long can drain your car’s battery, so use this method cautiously.

How to Leave Radio on in Keyless Car


Method 2: Power Bank or Portable Battery

If you frequently find yourself wanting to keep the radio on while the engine is off, investing in a power bank or portable battery can be a great solution. These devices can provide the necessary power to keep your radio running without draining your car’s battery. Simply connect the power bank to the car’s USB port or auxiliary input to keep the radio on.

Method 3: Accessory Button

Some keyless cars have an “accessory” button that allows you to keep the radio on without starting the engine. To activate this mode:

  1. Hold down the “accessory” button for a few seconds.
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By doing so, you can enjoy your radio without having to use the car’s ignition system. Keep in mind that this method may vary depending on the make and model of your keyless car, so refer to your car’s manual for specific instructions.

Method 4: Ignition to the “Accessory” Position

If your keyless car has a traditional ignition system, you can turn on the radio by turning the ignition to the “accessory” position. The “accessory” position allows you to power the electrical components of your car without starting the engine. This method is useful for older keyless cars that do not have dedicated accessory modes.

How to Leave Radio on in Keyless Car


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Leave Radio On In Keyless Car

How Do I Turn Off My Engine But Keep The Radio On?

To keep the radio on in your car while turning off the engine, leave the ignition switch in accessory mode. After shutting off the engine, keep your foot off the brake pedal and press the start button twice. This will allow your electrics, including the radio, to continue working.

Just keep in mind that doing this for too long can drain your battery.

Can I Leave The Radio On In My Car?

Yes, you can leave the radio on in your car by keeping the ignition switch in accessory mode. After shutting off the engine, keep your foot off the brake pedal and press the start button twice. This will keep the radio and other electrics on.

However, be cautious as leaving it on for too long can drain the battery and prevent the car from starting.

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How Can I Play Radio Without Starting My Car?

To play the radio without starting your car, leave the ignition switch in accessory mode and press the start button twice while keeping your foot off the brake pedal. This will activate the electrics, including the radio, lights, and windows, without starting the engine.

Note that doing this for too long can drain the battery.

How Do I Put My Car In Accessory Mode?

To put your car in accessory mode, after turning off the engine, keep your foot off the brake pedal and press the start button twice. This will allow you to keep the radio on and other electrical components working without starting the engine.

However, be cautious not to do this for too long as it may drain the battery.

How Can I Keep The Radio On After Turning Off My Keyless Car?

To keep the radio on after turning off your keyless car, keep your foot off the brake pedal and press the start button twice. The engine won’t start, but the radio will remain on.

Can I Listen To The Radio Without Starting My Keyless Car?

Yes, you can listen to the radio without starting your keyless car by turning the ignition to the “accessory” position. This allows you to enjoy the radio without the engine running.


Leaving the radio on in a keyless car can enhance your driving experience and provide entertainment even when the engine is off. Whether you utilize the accessory mode, invest in a power bank, or use the accessory button, there are various methods to achieve this. Just remember to be mindful of your car’s battery and avoid draining it by leaving the radio on for an extended period. Enjoy your favorite tunes and radio shows in your keyless car without any interruptions!

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