How to Keep Mice Out of a Car in Storage

How to Keep Mice Out of a Car in Storage


When storing your car, the last thing you want is to discover that mice have made your vehicle their home. Mice can cause significant damage to the interior, wiring, and engine components, resulting in expensive repairs. However, with some preventive measures, you can keep mice out of your car in storage and ensure it remains in pristine condition. In this article, we will provide you with effective tips and techniques to keep mice away from your car.

1. Dryer Sheets as a Natural Deterrent

Dryer sheets are an affordable and easily accessible solution to repel mice. Simply lay them throughout the interior, under the hood, in the trunk, on top of the tires, and even in the exhaust pipe. The pleasant scent will not only keep mice away but also leave your car smelling fresh. Remember to remove the dryer sheets when spring arrives.

How to Keep Mice Out of a Car in Storage


2. Use Rodent Repellent Products

There are various rodent repellent products available in the market that can effectively deter mice. Consider using spray products specifically designed to deter rodents. You can mist these products under the hood and around the vehicle if it is stored in a garage. Peppermint oil and cayenne pepper are natural alternatives that can also serve as mouse deterrents.

3. Eliminate Food Sources

Mice are attracted to food sources. Before storing your car, make sure to remove any food items or potential attractants from the vehicle. Clean the interior thoroughly and ensure that no crumbs or snacks are left behind. By eliminating food sources, you reduce the chances of mice making their way into your car.

4. Set Mouse Traps

As an additional preventive measure, consider setting mouse traps inside your car. This can be an effective way to catch any rodents that manage to enter. Place the traps strategically, such as near the seats or in the trunk. Check the traps regularly and dispose of any captured mice properly.

How to Keep Mice Out of a Car in Storage


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5. Invest in Rodent Repellent for Cars

There are specific rodent repellent products designed for cars that can help keep mice away. These repellents come in different forms, such as sprays, ultrasonic devices, or pouches containing natural deterrents. Choose the option that suits your needs and apply or install it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

6. Create a Barrier

To further protect your car from mice, consider creating a barrier around the storage area. Use materials such as cedar wood, dog hair, or human hair, which act as natural deterrents. Peppermint oil is another effective barrier. Apply it around the perimeter of the storage space to discourage mice from entering.

Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Keep Mice Out Of A Car In Storage

How Do You Keep Mice Out Of A Stored Vehicle?

To keep mice out of a stored vehicle, place dryer sheets throughout the interior, under the hood, in the trunk, on top of the tires, and even in the exhaust pipe. In the spring, gather them all up and dispose of them.

This simple method not only prevents mice but also leaves your car smelling fresh. Additionally, you can use specially made spray products that deter rodents, such as those containing peppermint oil or cayenne pepper.

What Is The Best Mouse Deterrent For Storing Cars?

The best mouse deterrent for storing cars is the Loraffe Under Hood Rodent Repeller. This battery-operated ultrasonic device emits ultrasound and LED lights to keep mice away from your car. Another option is the Mighty Mint Rodent Repellent Spray, which is specifically designed for vehicle engines and interiors.

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These products effectively deter mice and protect your car during storage.

How Do You Keep Mice Out Of Your Car In The Winter?

To keep mice out of your car in the winter, follow these tips: 1. Place dryer sheets throughout the car – under the hood, in the trunk, on top of the tires, and even in the exhaust pipe. 2. Use specially made spray products like peppermint oil or cayenne pepper to deter rodents.

3. Regularly clean your car to remove any food or debris that may attract mice. 4. Consider hiring a pest control service for professional assistance. 5. Remove all food items and store your car in a secure location if not in use.

By implementing these measures, you can effectively prevent mice from infesting your car during winter storage.

What Scent Will Keep Mice Away From Car?

Peppermint oil is a scent that can help keep mice away from your car. Place cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil around the car’s interior, engine bay, and under the hood. This natural deterrent can discourage mice from entering and nesting in your vehicle.

Faq 1: How Do You Keep Mice Out Of A Stored Vehicle?

Dryer sheets are a cost-effective solution. Lay them all over the car’s interior, under the hood, in the trunk, and on top of the tires. You can even place them in the exhaust pipe. In the spring, gather them up and dispose of them.

This method keeps mice away and leaves your car smelling fresh.


Keeping mice out of your car in storage is essential to prevent costly damage. By following these tips and techniques, you can effectively repel mice and safeguard your car’s interior, wiring, and engine components. Use dryer sheets, invest in rodent repellent products, eliminate food sources, set mouse traps, create a barrier, and ensure regular inspections of your stored vehicle. With these preventive measures in place, you can rest assured that your car will remain mouse-free and ready to hit the road when you retrieve it from storage.

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