How to Become a Classic Car Appraiser

How to Become a Classic Car Appraiser
How to Become a Classic Car Appraiser

If you have a passion for classic cars and are looking to combine your love for automobiles with a rewarding career, becoming a classic car appraiser may be the perfect fit for you. Classic car appraisers play an important role in the automotive industry by assessing the value of vintage vehicles for insurance, sales, and other purposes. In this article, we will discuss the steps you can take to become a classic car appraiser.

Educational Requirements

Most programs require candidates to have at least a high school diploma or a GED. Additionally, certificates in auto-related fields obtained from community colleges or vocational schools can be beneficial. These programs provide essential knowledge about automotive mechanics, restoration techniques, and classic car history which are essential for a classic car appraiser.

However, pursuing higher education such as an associate’s degree in auto repair can further enhance your credibility as a classic car appraiser. These programs offer in-depth theoretical and practical training on various aspects of automobile appraisal, including evaluation methodologies and industry standards.

How to Become a Classic Car Appraiser


Obtain Relevant Experience

Gaining hands-on experience in the automotive industry is crucial for becoming a successful classic car appraiser. Consider working as a mechanic or technician specializing in vintage vehicles to develop a solid foundation of automotive knowledge and skills. This experience will help you understand the intricacies of classic cars and enable you to accurately assess their value.

Additionally, networking and establishing connections with classic car enthusiasts, collectors, and restoration professionals can provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth in the field. Attending classic car shows, joining local car clubs, and participating in relevant online forums can help you build a strong network of industry professionals.

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Get Certified

While not always mandatory, obtaining certification as a classic car appraiser can significantly boost your credibility and marketability in the industry. Several organizations provide certification programs specifically designed for classic car appraisers. These programs cover essential topics such as appraisal methodologies, industry regulations, and ethics.

One such organization is the American Society of Certified Auto Appraisers, which offers a comprehensive certification program for classic car appraisers. The program includes both theoretical coursework and practical assessments to ensure that appraisers meet industry standards.

Maintain Continuous Professional Development

Classic cars are constantly evolving, and it’s important for appraisers to stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in the field. Engaging in continuous professional development helps you enhance your knowledge and skills as a classic car appraiser.

Participate in workshops, seminars, and industry conferences to stay abreast of the latest developments. Additionally, reading books, subscribing to industry magazines, and following respected classic car experts and organizations on social media can keep you informed about the ever-evolving world of vintage vehicles.

How to Become a Classic Car Appraiser


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Become A Classic Car Appraiser

How Can I Become A Classic Car Appraiser?

Becoming a classic car appraiser requires obtaining the necessary education and experience in the field. You can start by obtaining a high school diploma or GED and then pursue certificates in auto-related fields from community colleges or vocational schools.

What Qualifications Do I Need To Become A Classic Car Appraiser?

To become a classic car appraiser, you typically need a high school diploma or GED. However, some employers may prefer candidates with an associate’s degree in auto repair. Additionally, gaining hands-on experience in the automotive industry can be valuable.

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Are There Any Specific Courses Or Certifications To Become A Classic Car Appraiser?

While there are no specific courses or certifications required to become a classic car appraiser, completing programs offered by reputable organizations can enhance your knowledge and credibility. Consider exploring certified auto appraiser courses offered by institutions like the American Society of Certified Auto Appraisers.

Is It Possible To Become A Classic Car Appraiser Online?

Yes, it is possible to become a classic car appraiser online. Several educational institutions and organizations offer online programs that provide the necessary training and knowledge required to become a certified classic car appraiser. Be sure to research reputable online courses and programs in the field.

How Can I Find Classic Car Appraiser Opportunities Near Me?

To find classic car appraiser opportunities near you, you can start by reaching out to local automobile appraisal companies, vintage car dealerships, or restoration shops. Networking with professionals in the industry and attending classic car shows and events can also help you discover potential opportunities in your area.


Becoming a classic car appraiser requires a combination of education, experience, certification, and continuous learning. By following these steps and investing time and effort, you can embark on an exciting and fulfilling career in the classic car appraisal industry. Remember, passion and dedication are key to success in this field.
