How are Carbon Fiber Parts Made

How are Carbon Fiber Parts Made
How are Carbon Fiber Parts Made



Carbon fiber parts have become increasingly popular in various industries due to their lightweight yet incredibly strong properties. From aerospace to automotive, carbon fiber parts are used to enhance performance and efficiency. However, have you ever wondered how these parts are made? In this article, we will take a closer look at the process of manufacturing carbon fiber parts.

How are Carbon Fiber Parts Made


The Manufacturing Process

The process of making carbon fiber parts involves several steps. Let’s go through each of them:

  1. Mandrel Creation:

    The first step in the process is creating a mandrel in the shape of the desired part. This mandrel serves as a mold and is slightly smaller than the final dimensions to account for the thickness of the fiber layup. It can be made in segments for easy removal or using a single-use plaster that can be dissolved later.

  2. Fiber Layup:

    The next step involves winding carbon fibers onto the mandrel. Adhesive, usually epoxy, is applied during this process to ensure the fibers adhere together. The thickness of the adhesive layer depends on the desired strength and durability of the final part.

  3. Vacuum Bagging:

    Once the fiber layup is complete, the entire assembly is wrapped in an airtight plastic bag. The bag is then vacuum-sealed to remove any air, creating a compression force that eliminates voids and ensures proper consolidation of the fibers.

  4. Curing:

    After the vacuum bagging process, the assembly is placed in an autoclave, which applies heat and external pressure to the part. This helps to further compress and solidify the fiber layup. The curing process typically involves high temperatures to activate the epoxy resin and create chemical bonds between the fibers.

  5. Finishing Touches:

    Once the part has cured, the bag and mandrel are removed, revealing the carbon fiber part. However, some additional processing may be required to refine the edges, create holes, or add other features before the part is considered finished. These final touches ensure the part meets the desired specifications and requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions For How Are Carbon Fiber Parts Made

How Do You Make Carbon Fiber Parts?

Carbon fiber parts are made through a process called composite manufacturing. A mandrel is created in the shape of the part, and carbon fiber is wrapped around it with adhesive. The layup is then compressed using a vacuum and cured with high heat.

The final step involves removing the mandrel and processing the edges and holes. This process results in strong and lightweight carbon fiber parts.

How Is Carbon Fiber Manufactured?

Carbon fiber is manufactured by first creating a mandrel in the desired shape of the part. Layers of carbon fiber are then wound onto the mandrel using epoxy adhesive. The entire assembly is wrapped in an airtight bag and placed in a vacuum to compress the layers.

Finally, the epoxy is cured with heat, solidifying the carbon fiber. After removing the bag and mandrel, the part is further processed as needed.

How Is Carbon Fibre Car Parts Made?

Carbon fiber car parts are made through a process called layup. First, a mold of the desired shape is created, usually from a mandrel. Then, carbon fiber sheets are layered onto the mold with an adhesive, typically epoxy. The entire layup is wrapped in an airtight plastic bag and placed in a vacuum to compress the layers.

Finally, the layup is cured with high heat, solidifying the carbon fiber. After removing the mold, the part is finished with any necessary processing, such as trimming edges and drilling holes.

Is It Expensive To Make Carbon Fiber Parts?

Making carbon fiber parts can be expensive. The process involves creating a mandrel in the shape of the part, wrapping it with carbon fiber and epoxy, compressing the layup with a vacuum, and curing it with high heat. This requires specialized equipment like autoclaves.

Final processing for edges and holes is also needed. Costs may vary depending on the size and complexity of the part, as well as the quantity produced.

How Are Carbon Fiber Parts Made?

Carbon fiber parts are made by winding carbon fiber around a mandrel, applying epoxy adhesive, compressing the layup with vacuum, curing it under high heat, and then removing the mandrel. Some final processing may be required for edges and holes.


Carbon fiber parts are made through a meticulous process that involves mandrel creation, fiber layup, vacuum bagging, curing, and finishing touches. The combination of these steps results in high-quality, lightweight, and durable carbon fiber parts that are widely used across industries. By understanding the manufacturing process, we can appreciate the complexity and skill required to produce these innovative components.
