Can You Scrap A Car Without Wheels

Can You Scrap A Car Without Wheels
Can You Scrap A Car Without Wheels

When it comes to scrapping a car without wheels, many people wonder if it’s possible and what the implications might be. In this article, we’ll explore the topic and shed light on whether scrapping a car without wheels is a viable option.

Can You Scrap A Car Without Wheels


Is It Possible?

The short answer is yes, it is possible to scrap a car without wheels. However, it’s important to note that it can be more challenging and may come with some limitations and lower value.

Can You Scrap A Car Without Wheels


Scrapping Value

If a car is missing its wheels when being scrapped, its value will inevitably be lower. The weight of the scrap metal will be reduced, resulting in a decreased value. Additionally, buyers may be limited due to the need for cranes to remove cars without wheels.

Options for Scrapping

There are a few options you can consider when scrapping a car without wheels. One option is to contact local scrap car network companies who specialize in handling such situations. They have the necessary equipment and expertise to remove and transport the car without wheels.

Alternatively, if you have the means to transport the car yourself, you can use ball joint skates or wooden blocks to get the car onto a flatbed or a wrecker with dollies. However, it’s important to exercise caution and ensure the car is securely positioned.


If you decide to scrap a car without wheels, there are a few things you should consider:

  • While it’s possible to scrap a car without wheels, it may be more difficult and require specific equipment or expertise.
  • The value of the scrapped car will be lower due to the reduced weight of the scrap metal.
  • Some buyers may be limited due to the requirement of cranes to remove cars without wheels.
  • Ensure the car is securely positioned and take necessary precautions when transporting it without wheels.
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Frequently Asked Questions Of Can You Scrap A Car Without Wheels

Can I Scrap A Car Without Wheels?

Yes, you can scrap a car without wheels. However, keep in mind that the scrap value will be lower due to the missing wheels. Additionally, the absence of wheels may affect the price paid in other ways as well.

Is It Possible To Scrap A Car Without Wheels?

While it is not impossible to scrap a car without wheels, it can be more difficult. Dismantlers require cranes to remove these cars, so buyers may be limited and offers may be lower. Scrapping a car without wheels may require some extra effort.

How Can I Get Rid Of A Car With No Wheels?

To get rid of a car with no wheels, you can use ball joint skates or wooden blocks to move it onto a flatbed or a wrecker with dollies. This will enable transportation even without the wheels.

Will A Junkyard Tow A Car Without Wheels?

Junkyards may tow a car without wheels, but it is advisable to check with them beforehand. Some junkyards may not provide towing services for cars without wheels, while others may have no issue with it.

Do You Collect Scrap Vehicles With No Wheels?

Yes, we do collect scrap vehicles with no wheels. However, you will need to provide paperwork proving vehicle ownership, and there may be deductions from the final scrap value.


In conclusion, while it is possible to scrap a car without wheels, the process may be more challenging and the value of the car will likely be lower. If you decide to go ahead with scrapping a car without wheels, consider contacting specialized scrap car network companies or ensuring you have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely transport the car.

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