How to Remove Car Blind Spot Mirror

How to Remove Car Blind Spot Mirror
How to Remove Car Blind Spot Mirror

Blind spot mirrors are a popular accessory for cars, as they help to improve visibility and reduce blind spots while driving. However, there may come a time when you need to remove the blind spot mirror, whether it’s because it’s in the wrong spot or you want to replace it with a new one. In this article, we will guide you on how to effectively remove a car blind spot mirror.

How to Remove Car Blind Spot Mirror


Materials needed:

  • Fishing line or floss
  • Hair dryer or heat gun
  • Eraser wheel
  • Chamois cloth
  • Cordless drill
  • Adhesive remover or degreaser

Step-by-step guide:

1. Start by using fishing line or floss to remove the blind spot mirror. Gently slide the line or floss behind the mirror and carefully move it back and forth until the adhesive loosens.

2. If the blind spot mirror is attached with adhesive tape, you can use a hair dryer or heat gun to warm up the adhesive. Hold the hair dryer or heat gun a few inches away from the mirror and apply heat for about 30 seconds to soften the adhesive.

3. Once the adhesive is softened, use the fishing line or floss to again slide it behind the mirror and continue moving it back and forth to completely remove the mirror.

4. If the blind spot mirror is attached with adhesive glue, you can use an eraser wheel attachment on a cordless drill to remove it. Attach the eraser wheel to the drill and gently press it against the adhesive glue while the drill is in motion. Move the eraser wheel back and forth to slowly remove the adhesive.

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5. After removing the blind spot mirror, there may be some adhesive residue left on the side mirror. Use an adhesive remover or degreaser and a chamois cloth to clean and remove any remaining residue.

6. Once the side mirror is clean and adhesive-free, you can either leave it as is or attach a new blind spot mirror if desired.

7. If you choose to attach a new blind spot mirror, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation.

How to Remove Car Blind Spot Mirror


Additional Tips:

  • Be cautious while removing the blind spot mirror to avoid damaging the vehicle’s surface.
  • When using a hair dryer or heat gun, keep it at a safe distance to prevent any damage to the mirror or surrounding areas.
  • Before removing the blind spot mirror, it’s a good idea to clean the side mirror with soap and water to ensure optimal adhesion for the new mirror.

Removing a car blind spot mirror is a relatively simple process, but it requires caution and patience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can safely and effectively remove a blind spot mirror from your car’s side mirror. Remember to take your time and proceed carefully to avoid any potential damage to your vehicle’s surface.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Remove Car Blind Spot Mirror

How Do You Remove A 3m Blind Spot Mirror?

To remove a 3m blind spot mirror from your car, use fishing line, floss, or heat from a hair dryer or heat gun. Gently saw through the adhesive, then use a product like Goo-gone to remove any residue. Be cautious not to damage your vehicle’s surface.

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How Do I Get Rid Of Blind Spots On My Car?

To get rid of blind spots on your car, you can use fishing line, floss, or heat from a hair dryer or heat gun to remove stick-on blind spot mirrors. You’ll also need an eraser wheel, chamois cloth, cordless drill, and adhesive remover or degreaser to remove any residue.

Be careful not to damage your car’s surface while removing the mirrors.

Why Are Blind Spot Mirrors Illegal?

Blind spot mirrors are illegal because they make objects appear closer, increasing the risk of accidents.

How Do You Adjust A Mirror To Remove Blind Spot?

To remove a blind spot, adjust your mirror by using heat, fishing line, or adhesive remover. Be cautious to avoid damage to your vehicle’s surface. Alternatively, you can use a hairdryer to warm up the adhesive for easier removal. Take care not to stick it back down.

How Do I Remove A Car Blind Spot Mirror?

To remove a car blind spot mirror, use fishing line, floss, or heat from a hairdryer to loosen it. Then, use an adhesive remover to remove any residue left behind.

Why Are Blind Spot Mirrors Illegal In Some States?

Blind spot mirrors can be illegal in some states, like California, because they distort the size of objects, making them appear closer than they actually are. This can increase the risk of accidents.
