How to Rekey a Car Door Lock

How to Rekey a Car Door Lock
How to Rekey a Car Door Lock

Are you having trouble with your car door lock? Have you considered rekeying it yourself? In this guide, we will explain step by step how you can rekey a car door lock to save time and money.

Can a car door lock be rekeyed?

The answer is yes! For those with older cars that do not have remote keyless entry systems, rekeying the car door lock can be a great solution. It allows you to use a new key instead of the old one while maintaining the same lock mechanism.

Choosing between a dealership and a locksmith

When it comes to rekeying a car door lock, you have two options: a dealership or a locksmith. While many people assume that a dealership is the best choice, there are several reasons why a locksmith is actually a better option.

  • A locksmith often has more experience and expertise in handling car door locks.
  • Locksmith services are usually more cost-effective compared to dealership rates.
  • Locksmiths are available 24/7 and can provide quick assistance when needed.

Rekeying vs. replacing locks

One key consideration when rekeying a car door lock is whether to rekey or replace the lock entirely. Rekeying the lock is usually the more affordable option, as it only involves changing the internal tumblers and pins to match a new key. On the other hand, replacing the lock requires purchasing and installing a completely new lock mechanism, which can be more costly.

Steps to rekey a car door lock

Before attempting to rekey your car door lock, make sure you have the necessary tools and follow these simple steps:

  1. Start by disassembling the lock cylinder. Refer to online tutorials or the car’s manual for guidance.
  2. Remove the front lock cylinder to access the pins inside.
  3. Gently remove the old pins using a pin removal tool or needle-nose pliers.
  4. Insert the new pins according to the configuration of the new key.
  5. Test the new key to ensure all pins are aligned and the lock turns smoothly.
  6. Once you’re satisfied, reassemble the lock cylinder and reinstall it into the car door.
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Seeking professional assistance

While rekeying a car door lock can be a DIY project, it may not be suitable for everyone. If you are unsure about your skills or lack the necessary tools, it is best to seek professional assistance from a locksmith. They can ensure the process is done correctly and efficiently.

How to Rekey a Car Door Lock


How to Rekey a Car Door Lock


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Rekey A Car Door Lock

Can A Car Door Lock Be Rekeyed?

Yes, a car door lock can be rekeyed regardless of its age. You can choose to have it done by a dealership or a locksmith. Ignition rekeying is usually more expensive than rekeying the door locks.

What Is The Best Way To Rekey A Car?

The best way to rekey a car is to take it to a locksmith. They have the expertise and tools to rekey the car locks efficiently. It is cheaper than replacing the locks and can be done in a shorter amount of time.

Is It Cheaper To Rekey Or Replace Locks?

Rekeying locks is generally cheaper than replacing them because rekeying only involves changing the internal components of the lock.

How Long Does It Take To Rekey A Car Ignition?

Rekeying a car ignition typically takes about 1-2 hours. It is best to consult a locksmith for this service rather than a dealership. Rekeying is usually more cost-effective than replacing the entire lock.

Can I Rekey My Car Door Lock?

Yes, you can rekey your car door lock to allow access without replacing the entire lock mechanism.

Should I Use A Locksmith Or Dealership To Rekey My Car?

A locksmith is the best option for car rekeying due to cost-effectiveness and expertise in lock services.

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Rekeying a car door lock is a practical solution for those who want to use a new key without replacing the entire lock mechanism. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully rekey your car door lock and save money in the process. Whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a locksmith, rekeying a car door lock is a valuable skill to have.
